Thursday, June 16, 2011


Ryan Franklin started the 2011 season as the Cardinals closer. In fact, he assumed that role in May of 2008 and has manned the post ever since. It's pretty obvious to me that his glory days are over now though. Take Opening Day of this year for instance and you will see Exhibit A (Blown Save #1). Returning home from the first road trip of the season, Franklin was actually booed by the Busch Stadium crowd. I think we all remember his response to the media after that one. Ryan, take it from Jimmy Dugan: "There's no crying in baseball!"

It took 4 blown saves in 5 chances before La Russa finally demoted him. I'd like to be able to tell you that moving to middle relief solved the problem and everything is great. Unfortunately, that statement is far from the truth. Does everyone remember last month when Mitchell Boggs was optioned to Triple A Memphis to work on his stuff? I recall reading Matthew Leach's Cardinals inbox where the question was raised "Why stick with Franklin over Boggs?" Matt answered the question by informing readers that we can't send Franklin down: the only way to get rid of him is to make it permanent (release him).
Well ladies and gentlemen, I think that time has come. I think Ryan knows it too. It has to suck to be kept away from games that are on the line. The only times he pitches now are when we need someone to eat innings while we are getting blown out. We're less than a month away from the All Star Break, which means that the season is almost halfway over. If we want to contend with the surging Brewers and those pests in Cincinnatti then we need pitchers who can come on in relief and slam the door on the opposition.

Ryan Franklin is no longer that guy for us. I understand that he has a long and proven track record with the Cardinals. He has been there for us over the past couple of years, and we really didn't have to worry about him. The fact of the matter is: "That was then and this is now". Franklin is 38 years old. If this were 22 year old Eduardo Sanchez or 26 year old Fernando Salas, the club could simply send him to the minors and figure out what was going wrong.
As stated before, we can't do that here. A lot has been said over the years about Tony La Russa and that he is almost loyal to a fault. I can't say enough good things about the Cardinals skipper of the past 16 years, but I think that he needs to open his eyes. It's time to cut the cord.
With that being said, Franklin was one of many problems for the Redbirds last night. The Nationals and Livan Hernandez kicked our butts. Being shutout 10-0 while only mustering 3 hits is pathetic. I'll give credit where credit is due: Livan pitched a hell of a game. I had the pleasure of meeting him during Spring Training this past March, as you can see from the picture below. Let's be realistic though: Hernandez isn't Roy Halladay. We should have played a lot better than we did.
5 straight losses isn't good. On the plus side, Matt Holliday comes off the DL tonight. Hopefully the Cards can win tonight and avoid 2 straight sweeps...

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