Saturday, June 4, 2011


Cardinals vs. Cubs. This is one of the biggest and best rivalries in the game of baseball today. Fans from Chicago (just a meer 4-6 hour drive away from downtown St Louis, depending on how hard you press on the gas pedal) pour into Busch Stadium in their Cubbie blue every year to take in a weekend series. Later in the season, St Louisans clad in Cardinal red will fill the friendly confines of Wrigley Field to cheer for the Birds on the Bat.
As a big baseball fan, and an even bigger Cardinals fan (in case you hadn't already noticed) I must say that Cardinals-Cubs games are some of the best I have ever witnessed. The atmosphere is intense, and every pitch or play gets loud cheers from the home fans, and sometimes even louder boos and heckles from those rooting for the other side.
Personally, I have never seen this rivalry turn ugly. Sure, you might give the Cubs fans sitting in front of you a little bit of friendly grief for an error or strikeout, but I have yet to see a fistfight break out in the stands. The key word here is friendly. I would have to bet that the rivalry is more from the fans perspective than the players. Sure, the atmosphere gets the Cubs and Cardinals players pumped up, and each would like to win the game, but I'm not quite sure of they have as deep a fire in their hearts about who they are up against as those sitting in the stands do.
The Cubs aren't much to look at this year. (Are they ever? :) Gone are the Cubbies of old, with Ryne Sandberg, Andre Dawson, and Shawon Dunston up against Ozzie Smith and Willie McGee. Now it's Pujols and company taking on a bunch of guys who should really still be in the minors, if not for the unfortunate injuries to Mike Quade's starting squad.

I would consider the Cardinals vs. the Cubs a rivalry, and a fun one at that. As for the Cardinals vs. the Reds? That is nothing but pure hatred in my opinion. Do the Cardinals hate the Cubs? Probably not. Do the Cardinals hate the Reds, with "Big Mouth" Brandon Phillips and the infamous Johnny "Kung-Fu" Cueto"? Most definitely. I wouldn't call Cardinals Reds games fun for either side. I could see a fight breaking out at the hot dog stand between fans.
Bob Costas interviewed Tony La Russa the other day, and told him that some say the Cardinals are the most hated team in baseball. La Russa's response was that he didn't believe it, and said that the source was unreliable and you shoudl discredit where the words were coming from. The person who said it was none other than Reds Hall of Fame broadcaster Marty Brennaman, if that tells you anything. The teams rip each other in the media, and can't wait to have the last word on the field. At the end of their last meeting, closer Francisco Cordero beaned Albert Pujols with a pitch. After the game, Cordero was yelling at the Cardinals bench, and pitching coach Dave Duncan was hollering right back. Luckily neither team charged the field again, but the games between these two clubs are intense to say the least.
When does a rivalry go too far? It's long been said that anyone wearing a visiting a team's jersey should watch their back at Dodger Stadium. On Opening Day this year, this unfortunately came true as Giants fan Brian Stow was brutally beaten and left unconscious in the parking garage after the game. Do the Giants and Dodgers players hate each other? Once again, probably not, but some Dodger fans obviously had a problem with Mr. Stow's clothing choice that fateful day. This is disgraceful and I wish Mr. Stow to have a full recovery, and the assailants to be arrested and to have to pay for their actions.
Everyone goes to a ball game for different reasons. Some go for the beer, some go for the brats, some go simply because all of their friends are going. People like me go because they love the game of baseball. I hope that the true rivalry never dies out, and everyone that is at Busch today, no matter what team colors you are wearing, know that I am 1,200 miles away and extremely jealous watching on TV. Just please don't wear this jersey...

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