Saturday, June 11, 2011


I missed Thursday night's 9-2 win over the Astros. Unfortunately, I saw every pitch of the 8-0 trouncing handed to us by the Milwaukee Brewers last night. Figures, eh? I don't have many good things to say about the Cadinals performance last night, save for a congratulations to Tony La Russa for managing his 5,000th career game.
Instead, I want to examine something that has bothered me about the Cardinals for quite some time now. OUR UNIFORMS ARE REALLY LAME. There's really not a nice way of saying it. The Birds on the Bat have been an institution for a long time now. The Cardinals logo and jerseys have not changed in forever. I'm not saying that a total overhaul is necessary, but a little facelift wouldn't hurt.

Take the Brewers for instance. Before they take the field, they have a few different options as to what they are going to wear. As a matter of fact, most Major League ball clubs have instituted a number of different uniform choices. The Padres have their camo, but most other teams have at least one choice of alternate shirts that they can wear. I read somewhere that for most teams, the starting pitcher gets to choose what jersey the team will don on a given night. There was a video online from the Chicago White Sox a couple of weeks ago, when one of their pitchers was warming up before the game and then realized he was wearing the wrong jersey. His teammates laughed at him while he changed.
Then you have the St. Louis Cardinals. None of our pitchers have to worry about that problem. The Redbirds wear white when they are home and gray when they are on the road. It has been like this for almost as long as I can remember. The only change is when they are playing Sunday afternoon home games, and they break out their "Bird hats". IT'S BORING. I'm not saying that they need to bring back the V-neck powder blues from the 80's. No one wants that. But a red alternate jersey would really spice things up. The batting practice jerseys that the Cardinals wear before games are pretty spiffy. Why not do a variation of that?

I don't know who makes these decisions. I'm assuming that John Mozeliak, the Cardinals GM, has better things to do with his time than worry about what his boys are going to wear each night. John, I think you should appoint someone as head of the Cardinals uniform committee. St. Louis is behind the times. The Rockies have 5 different uniform options, and we have 2. We need to get on the ball. I know that Major League Baseball games are not fashion contests. I just think that it's time to change it up a little.
Hopefully our boys play better tonight and I have something more interesting to talk about tomorrow!

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