Wednesday, June 1, 2011


There has been a lot of talk in Major League baseball recently about changing the rule for plays at home. As most of you know, last year's NL Rookie of the Year is out for the rest of the season thanks to a collision with Scott Cousins of the Florida Marlins. We've all seen the replay a dozen times or more. This erupted an onslaught of opinons from all over the game, with everyone putting in their 2 cents.
Here's mine:
Scott Cousins did nothing wrong. He was trying to do his job and score a run. Buster Posey was trying to do his job as well: keep that run from scoring. Buster was clearing blocking the plate, even though he didn't have the ball yet. Cousins saw the throw coming in, thought it was going to beat him, and had to make a split-second decision.
Watching the Cardinals-Giants game on ESPN last night, the commentators once again opened up this discussion. However, they made several points that I would like to re-iterate here. Mike Piazza and Jorge Posada were All-Star catchers for several years in the majors. Do you recall many bone-crushing collisions that they were involved in? Let me answer that for you: NO.
Piazza, Posada, Pudge, and the Molinas have all mastered the art of the sweep tag. They were and some still are valuable members of their teams, and know that their teams can't afford for them to be on the DL. Because of this, they don't stand in the middle of the basepath without the ball, waiting to be knocked into the next zip code. They wait for the ball to come to them and do their best to apply the tag.
Does everyone remember when Nyjer Morgan of the Nationals took out Marlins catcher Brett Hayes last year? Vaguely maybe. Why is that? Probably because Hayes is a backup catcher, not the reigning Rookie of the Year. That hit looked a lot worse that Buster's mishap, yet you didn't hear the Baseball higher-ups making as big of a fuss about rule-changing as they are now that the face of the Giants franchise is out for the rest of the year.
Don't get me wrong, I think Buster Posey is an excellent ball player. He's exciting to watch, and he will truely be missed. I'm simply getting a whiff of favoritism, and I don't like the smell. In football, you always hear QB's like Big Ben saying that some of the hits they take would be penalized more if they happened to Tom Brady or Tony Romo instead of them. This is what I see here.
I just don't think that a rule change is necessary. If you don't agree with my opinions, then tough. Start your own blog. :) Thanks for reading, and stay tuned for tomorrow's highly opinionated posting.

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